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A tale of two queer males

 It was the worst of times; definitely the worst of times.

And there are hundreds of queer male (QM) stalkers involved, but my nightmare started with two, who shall be referred to as Loeb & Leopold.

The point of this blog entry is to ensure that in case I'm killed by police for defending myself against out-of-control QMs, the truth will be available to anyone who cares to research the matter.

Like many people, before all this began I thought queers were simply misunderstood, but now I know for a fact that QMs are predatory and dangerously delusional. Many of them act like Kevin Spacey in their single-minded pursuit of quick sex. A number of examples follow this post under INCIDENTS. The Denver-Boulder area is now Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0.

I'm not queer, curious, or confused.

It started at Broomfield Library. I was using the library a great deal. One man, who I shall refer to as John Wayne Gacy, attempted to befriend me, though I realized too late that he was actually trying to groom me. He was the biggest bullshitter I have ever run into. I finally realized that he was a QM when he approached my truck when I was changing from shorts to jeans. He thought I was enticing him to have sex, with his bizarre queer-dance being the final straw of my education.

Soon after that, Loeb & Leopold appeared at the library. I didn't notice them until it was too late, as they were videotaping me via a smartphone connected to a laptop. About a week later, QMs started to approach me every single day, sometimes multiple ones each day, expecting me to drop what I was doing and suck their dick. Many of them became angry when I refused to do so. It took me a long time to realize what had happened; Loeb & Leopold had created deepfakes on Grindr depicting me as eager to suck the dick of any QM who approached. To see examples of deepfakes, go to YouTube and search on "deepfakes tom cruise."

In case you don't know, Grindr is the primary app for QMs looking for anonymous sex. I've never seen the videos contained there, but I'm sure they're 95% dick-pics. Vanity Fair described Grindr as the "World’s Biggest, Scariest Gay Bar." Grindr has a feature where users can find other users via Bluetooth and/or GPS.

A number of QMs have approached me, albeit from a short distance, pointed to their smartphone, and laughed hysterically as if they were watching a video of me fucking a goat. This proves that there are deepfakes on the Internet, with Grindr being the likely venue.

I can only surmise that the motivations of Loeb & Leopold stem from their misguided belief that all males have defective brains like theirs and therefore normal males only need a shove to start sucking dick with wild abandon. I'm confident John Wayne Gacy told Loeb & Leopold about me, though whether that occurred in a local gay-bar or via Grindr is unknown.

All Internet videos of me, Grindr or otherwise, are deepfakes. I've never made a video in my entire life.

QMs are sharing my location, most likely via Grindr, as they often appear five minutes after I arrive somewhere (I could not find an Apple AirTag on my truck). And they camp out at many locations, looking for victims. Taco Bell, Jack in the Box and Arby's are favorite hangouts of QMs, with many employing QMs as well. I have seen the vehicle antics of QMs more than a hundred times. They commonly approach with their vehicle pointed at mine, with their headlights on, whether from the front, side, or rear. Many approach to within a foot of my truck, intently staring at their smartphone displaying Grindr. When I don't jump out and start sucking their dick, they often honk their horn to communicate their displeasure. I often return to my truck after doing some errand, with a QM parked very close nearby, staring at his smartphone.

One thing I do not understand is why QMs have not stopped their revolting solicitations given that I either ignore them or tell them to fuck off and die. I can think of four reasons: 1) QMs are so narcissistic that they think they will succeed where others have failed because they are truly special; 2) QMs do not communicate their failures, so other QMs do not know what happened before; 3) QMs lie about being rejected, so other QMs think I'm an eager cocksucker; and/or 4) Loeb & Leopold created a chatbot that communicates with QMs in real-time so they think I'm actually conversing with them, though QMs are world-class stupid if they see me using a flip-phone and think I'm using Grindr, as it only runs on smartphones

But the most annoying sites of their predations are libraries and gyms. Libraries are supposed to be a refuge from the world, where people can go to read, browse items, use public PCs, and use free Wi-Fi for mobile computers. Gyms have been usurped by QMs who believe that locker rooms are the new gay-bars / bath houses.

In libraries, QMs often approach and sit at an adjoining table, facing me, ostensibly using their laptop, but it's clear that they're expecting me to drop everything and suck their dick. They look at me every few minutes. They usually leave after twenty minutes or so, which would normally be strange because that's quite a short visit.

Another library tactic, though it happens elsewhere as well, is for QMs to do something which they hope will get me to notice them, for example, QMs will take some books off of a shelf and place them in a cart to be returned, all in my field of vision.

And it's beyond gross when queer teenaged boys, sometimes just barely into their teens, approach me on the street expecting me to break them in. It must be true that queers are born that way.

Arguing with QMs is a complete waste of time. If I tell them I'm not queer, they pratter on about how I promised to suck dick in the videos. If I tell them that those videos are deepfakes, they drone on about how I must be afraid to come out (of the closet). They're like perverted zombies.

I've seen hundreds of QMs. Most are hideously ugly, though it's unknown whether they are born that way or their faces are screwed-up due to their mental affliction, similar to how Down's Syndrome sufferers have facial problems. Many smoke, which would make sense given how they engage in dangerous activity with respect to their sexual behavior. Many smell like they have not showered in days.

Hate crime statutes are a farce, given how QMs are the ones doing the stalking.

I complained to four police departments. asking them to investigate false impersonation and identity theft. Denver did not respond. Douglas County laughed at me. Lafayette told me that I would be arrested if I interfered with their precious queers. Broomfield hid behind probable cause, but at least the sergeant wished me good luck..

I contacted three attorneys, but all hung up as soon as they realized the case involved queers being the offenders.

I filed online complaints with the FBI, FCC, and FTC, but there was zero response.

Grindr support refused to do anything. Due to Section 230 of the laughably named Communications Decency Act which granted a get-out-of-jail-free card to all Internet companies, there is no motivation for them to assist people caught in a Kafkaesque situation.

I posted a few Yelp reviews of the incidents mentioned below, but QM employees deleted them within a few days. Can't have the truth about queers be made public.

Colorado is the perfect state for QMs, given governor penis who believes his only job is pandering to his fellow QMs and libertarians, doing nothing with respect to Colorado being the worst state per capita for auto theft, with theft of catalytic converters increasing by nearly 1,500% statewide in 2021, the largest year-over-year jump among all states. CRS § 18-9-121, the so-called hate crime statute, gives QMs free rein at grooming potential victims. QMs believe they have the right to take video of anyone in public, whether via their ever-present smartphones or Google Glass, manipulate it, and post it online, yet they wail when Libs of TikTok highlights their twisted videos.

The queer community assured us that they only wanted freedom from discrimination and the right to marry their partner. They lied. They went into K-12 education in a big way so they could groom children (see one revolting example here). Protests against their agenda are met with ludicrous claims of homophobia and/or transphobia.

And it's not a coincidence that the other state with a queer governor, Oregon, is the home of antifa.

I have zero interest in interacting with QMs who "are disproportionately at risk for HIV infection," not to mention the "high proportion of initial cases diagnosed in this [monkeypox] outbreak in persons who identify as gay, bisexual, or other MSM (males who have sex with males)," as their perverse lifestyle naturally leads to dangerous health complications.

Queer "rights" are a zero-sum game; the more they get, the less normal people have.

I've put up with QM stalkers for over two years now, but that's over. QMs who attempt to grab my crotch or otherwise put their hands on me, as already happened at 24 Hour Fitness (both Kipling and Lafayette) and Paul Derda Recreation Center (Broomfield), will be visiting an ER. I'm not their playtoy.


Following are only the most outrageous incidents. Their behavior is not an outlier; it's normal behavior for QMs and sufficient justification for revoking special rights for queers (Bostock v. Clayton County), adoption by queers (Pavan v. Smith), acceptance of queer sex (Lawrence v. Texas), and queer marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges). After that, brand an 'F' on their foreheads -- it'll be scarlet for a while -- to warn females (real ones) that they are a high risk for HIV-AIDS, Monkeypox, and other STDs.

LAFAYETTE LIBRARY: Lafayette used to be a sleepy mining town, but now it's queerville. Arby's and Starbucks are situated across the street (Hwy 287) from each other, one block west of the library, with both employing QMs who leer at male customers.

I obtained a library card for Lafayette Library in order to obtain items from Boulder County libraries and requested a few items from Boulder Library. After the items arrived, I arrived a little before opening only to see a young male standing under a tree in the parking lot. Behind him was a blanket stretched out on the ground. As I passed, he said something like, "You can suck my dick right now on this blanket." I remember being shocked that even a QM would be so brazen as to rudely and crudely solicit sex just a short distance from the busiest intersection in Lafayette.

The next weekend, I sat down in the second-floor section to use my laptop. Within an hour, two QMs arrived, one in his twenties or thirties (I estimate) and the other in his late teens. The teenager had a color of hair that only queers have. The older male said something to the effect that since I was so eager to suck dick, I would relish the opportunity to break-in the QM freshly out of the closet.

I should have realized that a library which holds story times conducted by males in dresses is one to be avoided.

HIGHLANDS RANCH LIBRARY: Douglas County Libraries might have been the first to completely open after COVID-19 hysteria, so I traveled down there to use their libraries. I requested some items via Prospector. Soon afterward, an item appeared in my holds queue, "Love Your Life," a book aimed at QMs afraid to leave the closet. I have a B.S. in Computer Science, so GUIs do not confuse me. I did not request the book by accident; a QM librarian added it to my queue. I complained to the Director of Customer Experience, Julianne Griffin, who accused me of making the story up. When I told her to research the request, she refused, even though it would have been easy to find out which account made the request. She added that DCL would only divulge the name of the librarian after a court order was issued, which confirmed that a DCL librarian was indeed to blame. I'm fairly certain she notified Douglas County police as well.

Librarians should never add an unrequested item to a patron's queue, let alone one intended for QM grooming.

On another day, I was sitting in Highlands Ranch Library with my headphones on when a teenaged boy walked up to me and motioned that he wanted to talk. I thought this was very strange, as children usually do not interrupt strangers unless there's an emergency. He rambled as only a teenaged male can do, eventually mentioning that he wanted his dick sucked.

On yet another day, I was sitting in Highlands Ranch Library with my headphones on when a middle-aged man bothered me to try to chat me up and groom me with a ruse. He saw me use various USB flash drives and tried to coerce me into solidarity with his non-existent expertise in IT.

Highlands Ranch was created by the same people who created Irvine, California. Both are planned communities intended for normal families, but Highlands Ranch has been taken over by QMs.

SOUTHGLENN LIBRARY: Similar to what happened at Lafayette Library, while I was sitting using my laptop, two QMs -- by this time I could immediately recognize them -- arrived, with the older one stating that I was to break-in the new boy. I ignored them, but amazingly, the first trainee left, only to be replaced by a second one. I complained in writing to the Director of Library Operations, Linda Speas. I was expecting to be reported to Arapahoe County police, but she responded with a polite and professional email apologizing for the incident. Arapahoe Library District proved itself to be the only library in the Denver-Boulder area that should be in existence.

24 HOUR FITNESS, LAFAYETTE: Being in Boulder County -- a common joke about the people's republic of Boulder is that it's 26 square miles surrounded by reality -- one would expect a high percentage of QMs.

The shower area is treated as a bath house by QMs. QMs are sometimes seen in a fuck-me-in-the-ass stance, where the QM is standing facing a shower stall, butt out, stark naked, and carrying his smartphone in his right hand with the arm fully extended down and the display facing backward. I don't understand why the smartphone's display points to the QM's rear, but it was probably playing the aforementioned fake videos.

Sometimes fully-clothed QMs will wait in the shower area and ask if I'm ready to suck their dick.

I turned around just in time to prevent a QM from grabbing my crotch. His expression was that of a zombie.

I am often approached in the locker room by QMs who use the same approach: they say that we appear to be using the club at the same time, though I've never seen them before. They try to chat me up, regardless of whether I'm dressed or naked, just as they would in a bath house.

At this and other gyms, QMs often sit down near me and start talking as if we are best friends. Nobody does creepy like QMs.

Since I only see these QMs once, I wonder if they buy a short-term membership or are let in for free by employees.

24 HOUR FITNESS, KIPLING: This club is a hive of QM activity. Many days, when I was in front of the mirror shaving or brushing my teeth, a QM would try to chat me up. At first they got me to engage in some conversation, but now I recognize their grooming attempts and ignore them.

I turned around just in time to prevent a QM from grabbing my crotch. His expression was that of a zombie.

Also in front of the mirror, it was common for a QM to approach from behind while wearing only a towel, which they would then rip off as if they were practicing for a remake of The Full Monty.

Also in front of the mirror, it was common for QMs to approach to within a foot without wearing any shirt, which I guess is a turn-on for QMs.

24 HOUR FITNESS, CENTENNIAL: Sometimes when I left, I saw a QM without a shirt standing in the parking space next to mine, changing his position every few seconds to show all of his upper body, in other words, he was posing.

PLANET FITNESS, WESTMINSTER: This place doesn't resemble a bath house; it is a bath house. In the shower area with four stalls, there were four dressing rooms, which I thought was strange because guys normally do not have a problem with dressing and undressing in locker rooms. One of the dressing rooms was always occupied as indicated by clothing and/or towels laid on top of the door.

I only went there four or five times. On the second-to-last visit, I was in the locker room, with the only other person being a QM. He acted downright strangely, walking back-and-forth between the shower area, toilet area, and locker area. When I went to use a toilet stall, immediately after I locked the door, he tried to open it, though he never tried the other door, in other words, he did not need to use a toilet. He was mumbling something about sucking dick.

On the last visit, I was in the locker room, with the only other person being a different QM. He sat on a bench facing me, playing with his phone, no doubt expecting Grindr to tell him something. When I ignored him, he exhibited the exaggerated exasperation so typical of QMs, like I had promised to do something and wasn't putting out. He said something like, "Well, are you going to blow me or what?" When I left the club, I complained to the employee, who screamed at me, "GET OUT OF MY BUILDING!" In other words, Planet Fitness management is complicit in its locker rooms being used as a bath house.

It became crystal clear what the dressing rooms were used for.

LE PEEP RESTAURANT, WESTMINSTER: This restaurant is across the street from the above Planet Fitness, so the entire neighborhood is tainted.

I entered and asked for a table. I was seated and started reading news on my smartphone (this was before I sold my smartphone and bought a flip-phone). Within a few minutes, a QM sat down at the table next to me, which annoyed me to no end, given that the restaurant was only 2/3 full. I believe he sat down without assistance from the staff. He started playing with his smartphone, no doubt expecting Grinder to inform him that I wanted to suck his dick. He mumbled something about sucking dick, but I ignored him. After about ten minutes, he left, with the employees changing the silverware, napkins, and glasses. I could tell they were pissed that he never ordered anything, though they were unaware that he was only there to have his dick sucked.

SUBWAY, LITTLETON: The last time I went there, I was closely followed by a QM, though I didn't realize it until later. He was in his late teens or early twenties, wearing a black prairie dress right out of the fundamentalist Mormon towns of Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah. He stood right beside me -- this was in the midst of COVID-19 hysteria -- though I didn't notice (I now look around at the people around me and prevent anyone from getting too close). When I got to the register, the employee asked me if the QM and I were together, which just about made me retch. He never ordered a sandwich, or said anything for that matter, which is a major reason why I never noticed him, and left after I went to a table without him -- in a car driven by his mother.

SUBWAY, WESTMINSTER: The last time I went there, I heard a car horn playing some sort of tune. I thought nothing of it until I exited with my sandwich, when I saw a QM in the fuck-me-in-the-ass stance previously described. At least he was wearing clothes.

PAUL DERDA RECREATION CENTER, BROOMFIELD: I turned around just in time to prevent a middle-aged QM from grabbing my crotch -- in the shower area. His expression was that of a zombie. The fact that there are no doors or curtains separating one shower from another is abused by QMs who approach normal males far too closely.

Old QMs often walk back-and-forth behind me while I'm standing at the sinks, which I can see in the mirror, trying to catch my attention so I will suck their dick. Or so they think.

TARGET, WESTMINSTER (REED STREET): There is a QM who rides his hoverboard around the parking lot and traffic circle surrounding the store. At first I thought he was just another selfish, clueless, Generation-Z asshole, but when he rode his precious toy into the store and came within a foot of knocking me down, I realized that he was a QM trying to attract my attention so I would suck his dick. The expression on the faces of the employees told me that hoverboard-riding in the store is not a common occurrence.

WALMART, BROOMFIELD: I was parked in the parking lot when a QM knocked loudly on the closed window and demanded that I suck his dick. Because I promised to suck dick, any time, anywhere, according to him. His hair was styled with a perm on his otherwise long, straight hair. I guess that's attractive to his fellow freaks.

KING SOOPERS, BROOMFIELD: Before I made it a practice to be 100% aware of my surroundings, a queer psychopath intentionally rammed a shopping cart into my knee in the store. After he struck me with the cart, he said something like, "If you promise to suck dick, you'd better come through!" He had stalked me a few times in the parking lot, along with his pint-size boyfriend. I can only guess he was upset that I didn't jump out of my truck and suck his dick at the first opportunity. I ended up having surgery on that knee, which turned into a blood clot. My leg is still not the same. He will try again, but the outcome will be radically different.


Silicon Valley answers to no one, largely because of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. They are not responsive because they know they cannot be sued. The best solution would be a complete repeal of it and not a partial repeal as seems to be trendy these days depending upon which side of the political fence one sits.

But the minimum required is as follows:
 - All Internet companies must be required to validate new customers. Right now, it is easy to create an account in someone else's name. Validation must be done a few ways. Most importantly, a credit card in the prospective user's name must be used for a nominal charge, just like the USPS does for address changes. And there must be no grandfathering; all existing users must be validated or deleted.
 - All Internet companies must be required to offer interfaces that run on iPhone, Android, Windows, and Linux, in other words, on browsers that run on ARM64 and AMD64 platforms. Having a Windows / Linux interface would allow victims to search through profiles to find ones depicting them without being accosted, as one of the "features" of Grindr is a mechanism for allowing users to find other users via GPS / Bluetooth.
 - As a corollary to the above, Internet companies must be required to allow identity theft victims to take over a fake account so they can change the account to display a banner stating that the account was a fake one created by monsters.
 - All Internet companies must be required to respond to complaints within 48 hours maximum. Automated services are not acceptable.
 - All Internet companies must be required to delete accounts, video, and/or photos within 48 hours maximum. This is to allow victims of identity theft, revenge porn, and/or deepfakes to delete fake content to halt harassment.
 - A mechanism must be created to shut-down companies that do not comply, perhaps via the FTC. It would need to create a website -- and staff for it -- to allow victims to report companies that refuse or ignore take-down requests. Outlaw companies must be removed fromm the Internet -- and their owners prosecuted.
 - Revenge porn purveyors must be hunted down, put out of business, and prosecuted for a felony involving years of federal prison. There is no valid justification for revenge porn.
 - Congress really screwed up with deepfakes, as they would have been so much easier to outlaw before they became difficult to detect. The creation of deepfakes, both video and photo, must be outlawed, with the only exception being for registered (by the FTC) researchers. The publishing of deepfakes flaws must be outlawed to prevent deepfakes from becoming even more difficult to detect, with the penalty for doing so being severe.
 - Swatting, where a user pretends to be someone else in an emergency situation, must be punished severely. There must be economic penalties for countries that refuse to extradite swatters, regardless of their age, as many are teenagers. And on the other end, law enforcement agencies must be prohibited from responding to any 911 call with extreme force if that call originated via VOIP, as no one is going to call 911 via VOIP in a true emergency.
 - Doxxing, where a scumbag posts the address, photo of abode, or other information which identifies where someone lives, must be prohibited and punished as a federal felony.
 - There is no justification for texting while driving. The solution is simple: require all cellphone manufacturers to implement a block on reading and writing texts while GPS coordinates are changing, in other words, while the phone is in motion.

And we need to repeal all so-called hate crime laws and replace them with ones only protecting the original two groups: Native Americans and African Americans.